Monday, December 28, 2009

When in Doubt Ask Other Writers

Every writer, at one point in time or another, needs a support group. This can be as simple as a critique group or a larger writers group you attend monthly meetings at.

Writing is like any other job. The more you investigate and learn about the business, the more success you will bring to yourself and your writing. Even when you think you have learned it all, we can't lose sight that other writers have much to teach us.

If you are writing on your own and don't belong to a critique group or monthly writers group, I challenge you to join one. It will renew your spirit and continue to help feed your passion for writing. Where do you find such people? Search the internet for local writing groups in your area. Talk to people you know. Once I started doing this, I was very surprised at how many people write and don't ever tell anyone about it.

I have a weekly critique group and a monthly writers group. I love them both. They teach me something new every time we are together and most importantly, they move me forward with goals. Find your group. It will make a world of difference.


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