As it was in the beginning, it shall not be in the end.
In a good romance story the heroine will change from the beginning of the story to the end. She will have learned something about herself through trials and tribulations that make it possible for her to achieve her happily-ever-after.
In my current manuscript as I work on the last two chapters, I see that Sierra has changed, but I wonder if I have shown her working through enough hard spots to reach her transformation. The answer: No.
So, what do I do now?
I just read in Heather Sellers' book, Chapter After Chapter, that revisions means a "re - seeing" of the story. It is nearly time for me to go back through my story and re - vision the writing. One of the pieces that I will be looking at is my hero and heroine's character arcs. Do they change from the beginning to the end? Do I show enough conflict in the middle of the book that details how the characters have changed?
So, even though I am near the end of my story. It is only the beginning of the re - visioning.
Since our last meeting, I've been consumed with character arcs. I'm going to buy this book.
Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the week.
This book doesn't specifically deal with character arcs. She focuses more on the whole process of being a writer.
There are better books for dealing with just the character arc.
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