Monday, December 14, 2009

Cut Out Those Pictures

As I continue to write, I am discovering that I need a visual to help me describe my characters. This is when I started to cut out pictures of people in magazines or on the internet that look like my characters. In fact, I have started a book that I can pull out and use in the future.

If I see a picture of a person or a place or even a house that inspires me, I cut it out and put it in my book. Each book I work on has it's own binder. I put all the pictures that pertain to that story in the binder and often look at it to stay focused and submerged in my story.

I even researched "man kitchens" once on the internet to get just the right picture of my hero's very masculine kitchen. This little tip of cutting out pictures truly helps my writing. I hope it will help yours.


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